The Wedding pomp and show business 

Oh! These days brides and grooms, Want all the pomp and show! Upon them may God, some common sense bestow!! 

They want their stages to be decked with the most hideous-looking cardboard roses,

Hassling the cameraman for perfect “forced” candid poses…

They demand, their venue shouldn’t be anything less than the talk of the town! 

And all folks must be overawed seeing the bride’s overpriced gown!! 

The displays should be magnificent enough to make all the guest’s eyes pop!

In full grandeur, their aim is just to show-off…

The reception theme must be the biggest, flashiest and boldest ever…

The guests should be bowled over till they let out a shiver!!

Rain, storm or hail; everything will fail!!

They won’t give up their breathless chase,

To be the biggest and the best in the wedding display race! 

One thought on “The Wedding pomp and show business 

  1. What about 100 types of different menu ..
    And at the end guest find out at least one default in the wedding 🤣🤣


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